Bill Bailey: Thoughtifier
13 apr 2024

Bill Bailey: Thoughtifier

Pris:  425 kr
Öppnar:  18:00
Insläpp till salong:  19:00
Börjar:  19:30
Plats: Teatern
Ingång: Navigationsgatan 4
Åldersgräns: 13 år

Den brittiske komikern och musikern Bill Bailey besöker Malmö i vår! Den 13 april intar han Slagthusets Teater med sin hyllade show “Thoughtifier” där han genom både humor och musik lockar till såväl skratt som eftertanke.

Thoughtifier [noun]
1. an intriguing device that can amplify the thoughts of a curious mind using music, channelled through a human instrument, known as Bill Bailey
2. (colloquial) a person resembling Bill Bailey

At a point in our evolution when it seems as if we’re sleepwalking into a world where humans might be redundant, and much of what we do can be done better and more efficiently by machines, what better time to celebrate our own flawed humanity. And who better a guide to lead us than Bill… To take us on a jaunt through the error-strewn, distracted, crumb-festooned, sometimes magnificent history of human thought and how it might help us survive in this brave new world. A magical, musical mystery tour of the human mind, along with some other pressing matters about whales, biophilia, unrequited love and other thoughts. Amplified With Music.

Welcome to Thoughtifier!

“His genius is to bring arena-sized crowds along… by the force of his quirky enthusiasm and by neither pandering nor ever pretending to be anyone other than his idiosyncratic, off-the-beaten-path self.”
The Guardian

Presenteras av A Comic Soul & Shownight

• Ryggsäckar, tygväskor, gymbags och andra större väskor får INTE medtas in i Slagthuset. Vi erbjuder ingen förvaring av medhavd väska. Vi hänvisar istället till effektförvaringen på Malmö Centralstation.
• Mindre handväskor är tillåtna (max 25×20 cm). Observera att din medhavda väska kan komma att visiteras vid inpassering till eventet.

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